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Deadliest Catch Alaskan Storm
 Liquid Dragon Studios  |  Jun 17, 2008
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360-Hq.Com Review

Difficulty: 3
Learning Curve: 3
Published by: scarface
Date: 2008-07-03

Deadliest Catch:Alaskan Storm Reviewed

My Brief Statement
This game is based on the Deadliest Catch that is shown on the Discovery Channel and is in its fourth season. It is a exciting documentary-style reality show that shows about the life of crab fishermen that are out battling the Bering Sea and risking there lives on a daily basis to get their jobs done and make that money. Now for the game it is a very slow-paced strategy game, in which you captain a boat with the crew you pick out go out and get fishing at first you do a little tutorial on how to work everything in which you have to remember otherwise you will keep looking at the instruction manual/owners manual on all the control layouts.

I do have to admit there is some choppy frame rates, and people have reported of freezing bugs but other then that u will go through all these dangerous levels of bord'em, just searching the sea for something fun ha. The water though looks so great in this game and the waves that hit your boat are just crazy insane like your out there in real life almost.

So now to the good stuff, your first port in Deadliest Catch is the Missions mode which you have to beat the first four of its 20 or more challenges to unlock career mode. The first four challenges are interactive tutorials that in which the star of the show, Captain Sig of the Northwestern, shows you the ropes on the basic controls that is necessary for navigation and also maintaining your chosen boat while fishing for crab and also managing your crew.

After you get all this out of the way now it is time to hire your crew. They give you alot of diffrent types of people to choose from with detailed info about them and what they are good at. Do not go off and get the best guys on there otherwise you will be paying more to them and not making that much at the end. The main guys you want to be good is the Deck Boss and Medic, and also a good repair guy other then that you can go with the cheaper % people for the other easy stuff. Now before leaving the harbor, you can stock up on fuel, crab pots, and bait as well as carry out any repairs you need done before you go out and also upgrades to your boat.

You are also able to choose between five different boats at the end of the tutorial and also be able to customize the name of the boat the color and a few other cool stuff. Most of this stuff all can be dealt with via the menu system, the controls are pretty easy to pick up, but thats because in career mode you simply do not really have to do to much.

Just like a true captain of a crab boat they don't leave the wheelhouse to much but on this game you never leave the wheelhouse of your boat and you spend a majority of your time performing repetitive tasks and check the crab survey information on your map to try finding good fishing spots, you can mark your fishing spots were you want to set your traps out and you get there fast of course they have a option for this and then you plot were you want to set them i would not recommend setting them to far apart they give you the option to space them more but trust me that take so much time up going to each one and much fun to have more in a little space gives you more to do.

Also another good feature they put into this game was the autopilot that way you can just control the speed and then have your guys that are attempting to retrieve the pots, have a better chance at doing it when your not trying to do so many things at once. a good thing to do is go slow at them and they will usually get it on the first throw. But with bad weather that comes into play controlling your speed can be a challenge but again that is why you have autopilot.

Now its the other members of the crew that get to do all the fun stuff that's for sure they should have made a option were you can switch between the crew men or woman and do there tasks if you liked to but the crew wouldn't even lift a finger to help save a colleague from drowning unless you literally tell them to. With just a single button you can set your crew to do one of four modes: Drop pots, Retrieve pots, Chip Ice, or Sleep/Rest.

The last one is the most important one of all, because if you have tired crew members there are more likely to have accidents and then can result in puting themselves out of action for the remainder of your season, which you do not want.

They also added another feature to this game were you can give specific orders to each crew member by using a rudimentary conversation system to interact with them, but this is rarely used unless you're experiencing some mechanical problems that your engineer did not notice or if one of the crew members go overboard to rescue them. So pretty much your the only member of the crew that will never get a chance to set foot on the deck ha.

The season seems like it last for ever but it goes pretty fast so be careful on leaving to many crap pots out there. The goal in the season is to make as much money as you can, catching a lot of crabs is always a good start, there is also frequent radio contact between other fisherman asking if you have caught any fish i always like to say no ha.

A good strategy would be to let the crab pots soak for awhile not having to many out first tell you get a hang of things just because if you have to many crab on your boat the longer they sit the more likely they will die in your cargo hold and making them worthless and you have to time your visits to the port in such a way that allows you to maximize your profits without losing to much time that could be spent fishing and some of the ports get really busy. Especially toward the end of each season, so be careful on choosing where you dog to avoid having your cargo die while just siting in line.

Now for multiplayer action, you say what there is multiplayer action for this game? Yep there is, if you think your crab-fishing skills are good you can go online and supports up to eight players and replicates the structure of the career mod almost identical. The real diffrence when you play online is that while you can still fast-forward your boat to move around the map more quickly, doing so doesn't actually advance time.

This is a real problem for all types of reasons, for one being that every hour in the game takes around two minutes of real time and pots are normally left to soak for around 24 hours and 48 is best according to Captain Sig's tutorial videos. So for games that are just scheduled to last for just a couple days actually take a long time to get through a lot of it is pretty much spent doing absolutely nothing.

Some people have reported that searching for a quick match unsuccessfully will cause your tv screen to go black then you have to restart your console before you can do anything again. There is a lot of different unlock-able missions that test your skills way more then career mode does. Some are fun and some can be a pain like parallel parking your crab boat in a crowded harbor is just one of a few. Then chasing whale poachers through rocky waters and then the Coast Guard cutter makes for a welcome change of pace.

Also five slalom courses that you race through in a skiff that is probably more funner then running the crab boat itself or for the rest of the game for that matter ha. Other unlockable's in the game include a couple mini games that are only fun for a little bit then get boring. Then there is also some videos that you can meet the characters from the show which is kinda cool and also be able to check out different areas of the boats.

Final Statement
Well now have read this there are a lot of bugs still with this game that can end your season without warning, in which the most frequent one that a lot of people have mention is your console locking up, but occasionally some of the problems can get a little more intense by forcing your crew members into some looping animations that prevent them from doing there tasks. Lets hope they can figure out these bugs and fix them so we can play hours on hours of doing nothing but waiting for those crab pots to fill up ha. They could of done a lot more to make this game more real for us but what can we do.

There can be a lot of fun out of this game if your into these types of games but specially on this one you have to work twice as hard as the rest of the boats just to even come close to your quota. So like i say always rent a game before you buy it otherwise you might just be wasting $29-$59 of your hard earned money on a game you dont even like and when most rental places let you rent a game for about a week if not more for about $5-7 its well worth it to rent before buying to see if you would even like the game.

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Semper Paratus
Beat all Coast Guard Missions
Perfect Positioning
Finish a Crowded Harbor Mission without any Collisions
Helping Hand
Rescue another Ship at Sea
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Deadliest Catch Alaskan Storm

Liquid Dragon Studios


- Jun 17, 2008
- Jun 17, 2008 (US)
Played: 57  |  Wishlists: 10
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