Truck Driver ‘Heading North’ DLC and Premium Edition delayed

Date: Tuesday, September 28 @ 02:05:19 UTC
Topic: DLC

SOEDESCO announced today that Truck Driver's ‘Heading North’ DLC expansion and Truck Driver Premium Edition have been delayed for Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5. The ‘Heading North’ DLC was initially announced to launch on September 14 and the Truck Driver Premium Edition to launch on September 30.

SOEDESCO has this to say about the delay:

As the team continues to focus on polishing and adding the final touches to ‘Heading North’, the DLC will launch on September 30 instead. This also means that the Premium Edition will be aimed to launch at the end of October for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S since the DLC will be included in this edition.

Stay tuned for further annoucements!

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