Careers in Video Games: How to Get Started

Date: Tuesday, August 17 @ 01:57:11 UTC
Topic: Gaming

One of the most common pieces of advice that children and young adults will receive is the idea to do something that they love for a job. Making a living off playing video games is not exactly what those parents and grandparents may have had in mind, but the reality of today means that the notion is possible. One only must look to how ingrained gaming culture has become in society to see the impact video games has had on the world, and consequently the career opportunities they afford. Young people in love with gaming now have a clear pathway to be able to play games for a living, and the possibilities are greater than ever.

Careers in Video Games: How to Get Started

For a while following their inception, video games were received negatively by the public and they were generally seen as a waste of time. It says something of the industry then that today, people can earn a profit from playing their favorite games. The video game industry is now worth more than film and music combined, so now is the time to get in on the entertainment sector’s titan. There are a few ways to do this but of course, the one that is decided upon will be dependent on the personal circumstances of the gamer. They are streaming, content creation, and competitive gaming.

Content creation is the oldest way to make money from video games. Those who desire to do so will record themselves playing content and then upload it to sites like YouTube, where an audience can then view it and post comments. Depending on the size of the audience, it is possible to make a lot of money from content creation, though it is incredibly difficult to disrupt the gaming community and gain subscribers when the scene is massive and established already.

Streaming games has grown in popularity in recent years, primarily due to the rise of Twitch. Gamers can live stream themselves playing games on Twitch and interact with a live audience at the same time. This has the benefit of better social interaction when compared to content creation, and it also is easier to get started as the platform is still relatively new. Streaming has been applied to industries other than gaming, most notably it also is present in the gambling industry. Players can interact with games like these live dealer casino options and play from the comfort of their homes, showing just how popular the streaming platform has become.

Competitive gaming has been present for a while in the gaming community, but it has seen an explosion in popularity in recent years. The best gamers can compete against each other for eye-watering sums of money, and this might prove a great option for those players who will trade in a casual playing experience to exhibit their natural skills and talent.

While all these options are lucrative, fun ways to make money from gaming, the best one to choose will be dependent on the type of person the gamer is. If they want a casual experience, then content creation or streaming would be ideal, though streaming would be easier to break into. Skilled players who want to compete on the world stage would do well to get into the competitive scene.

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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