Lost At Sea Out Now For Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS5 & PC

Date: Monday, August 02 @ 16:06:25 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Lost At Sea is now available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC. Set on a beautiful island, this game will force you to face your fears and take stock of your life through imaginative puzzles and a relatable story.

Lost At Sea Out Now For Xbox Series X|S, PS5 & PC

Lost At Sea tells the story of Anna, who, in the autumn of her life, has come to be alone. To live her new future, she will first have to take stock of her past. Construct her memories through objects and puzzles on a strange island, and face the question we all face eventually: “Did I do it right?” In Lost At Sea, we experience moments in the life of Anna, moments that we all recognize, moments that make us all wonder how life suddenly took a hold of us, instead of the other way around. Set on a mysterious island, where every biome represents a phase of life, you will explore your surroundings and solve riddles to reclaim memories, while your fears are hunting you, trying to keep you away from continuing your life. In the end, this is a game about the things you want to remember, the things you wish for and life as a whole.

Click here to buy Lost at Sea for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Click here to buy Lost at Sea for Xbox Series X|S only

Developed by Studio Fizbin and published by Headup Games, Lost at Sea is available on the Microsoft Store for $14.99 USD.

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