Broken Roads coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC in 2023

Date: Monday, June 12 @ 04:38:17 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Broken Roads (@BrokenRoadsGame), the Australian post-apocalyptic RPG from Drop Bear Bytes (@DropBearBytes) and Versus Evil (@vs_evil), will let players complete the game without killing anyone or engaging in combat. This pacifist option will challenge players to use their wits and their moral compass in the game, which is coming to Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC later this year.

Broken Roads Lets You Choose Your Path in a Desolated Future Australia

Broken Roads is a narrative-driven RPG that brings exploration, strategic turn-based combat, and meaningful philosophical choices to an all-new Australian post-apocalyptic setting. Broken Roads skillfully blends traditional and all-new role-playing elements on top of a classless system offering near-unlimited character development options built around four philosophies: Humanist, Utilitarian, Machiavellian, and Nihilist. Furthermore, the game presents players with an original morality system: the Moral Compass which sees dialogue options and questing decisions influence, and be influenced by, a character's philosophical leaning and the tough decisions they make along the way.

Pacifist playthroughs will only be possible for certain character builds. Just because you won’t be getting into fisticuffs doesn’t mean your adventure will be easy though, as to complete the game as a pacifist, you’re going to have to really think about your decisions, the reactions of your companions to your choices, the interests of the people and factions you’re encountering and - of course - the kinds of quest resolutions you decide to pursue. For instance, you probably shouldn’t go accepting a mercenary hit job or running around pissing everyone off and expect there won’t be violent repercussions.

Watch the new trailer showing off some new, never before seen locations.

Broken Roads is coming to consoles and PC in 2023!

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