FORECLOSED launches on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

Date: Thursday, August 26 @ 01:18:48 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Cyberpunk narrative-driven action-shooter FORECLOSED from @MergeGamesLtd is now available for digital download on the Microsoft Store for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S consoles. Get 20% off for a limited time!

Epic Cyberpunk action-shooter FORECLOSED launches on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S

FORECLOSED is a narrative-driven Cyberpunk action-shooter set in a comic book world. Fight back against a dehumanized bureaucracy that took your identity. Unleash the power of your implants and fight for your freedom! Follow the events of Evan Kapnos in this original comic-book styled game and discover how losing your identity is all too possible.


  • Interactive Comic-Book – Foreclosed combines the interactivity of video games with the visual aesthetic of comic books. Everything from game-play to cinematics are experienced within the stylistic framework of a graphic novel.

  • Original Story - Follow the story of Evan Kapnos, his identity recently Foreclosed, stripped of his job, his brain implants and his aceess to the city Blockchain, he must now escape the city before his identity and implants are auctioned off.

  • Hi-tech Combat – Modify your symbiotic Pistol and use your brain implant abilities to manipulate your surroundings and fight back against your opponents.

  • Non-Stop Interaction - Cut-scenes are interactive and transition smoothly to and from alternative game-play styles to allow the player to truly feel like a comic book hero.

  • Firmware Upgrades – Discover and unlock new abilities with an RPG-like skill system

FORECLOSED is available to purchase on the Microsoft Store right now for $19.99. Get 20% off for a limited time!

FORECLOSED Digital Download

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