Rey Jimenez Answers Questions About SSFII HD

Date: Tuesday, September 16 @ 10:14:52 UTC
Topic: Gaming

For the hardcore Street Fighter fans out there that are asking "ware the hell is my Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix" I'm hoping this will help to put a lot of your fears and questions to rest, in an interview found on streetfighterblog Ray has put out more then enough information to calm the nerves of the SF fans that are getting the shakes waiting.

Super Street Fighter II Turbo Screenshot 4417

Here are a few of the questions i feel have the most importence and you can select the sorce for the full interview at the bottom of the post.

  • (Q) At what stage are you right now in the making of the game?

    (A) We are in the home stretch. We’re basically closing out all the bugs that came up in the open beta and a few other open issues.

  • (Q) A lot of fans are afraid that the game might slip to 2009 what can you tell them?

    (A) We’re on track to release the game this year and barring any unforeseen catastrophic event, that should not be changing.

  • (Q) Are you guys worried that the game might suffer in sales due to sf4 getting released in few months?

    (A) Not at all. While it’s not a good idea to be right next to it in terms of release, I think we have a good enough separation between the two. Both games appeal to wide-audiences, but the hunger for old school SF (with a new twist) and the next step in SF gaming are equally as large.

  • (Q) Will sf hd support adding extra characters or stages via dlc?

    (A) Unfortunately, extra character and stages are not a possibility within the scope of the game. As you are well aware, we are using basically the same gameplay code from the old version of Super Turbo. This does not allow the addition of extra stages and characters.

  • (Q) In terms of storyline will the character endings now tie in to the street fighter 4 storyline? can we expect to see viper or abel in one of the super turbo characters endings?

    (A) We didn’t want to change anything that was core to the SFII storyline, so no, SF4 characters will not be in the endings. You may see a new twist to the endings, but nothing that will turn the SF universe on its head.

  • (Q) And finally the question that is in all of our minds: When will you guys announce a release date?

    (A) You should be hearing a release date fairly shortly. Sorry, that’s about as specific as I can get. PR would have my head on a stick if I announced a release date.

    So all in all what this really tells us is hang in there and your patience should be rewarded real soon.


    360-Hq Game Database: Super Street Fighter II Turbo

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