Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Fan Pack Set For July

Date: Saturday, June 28 @ 10:25:07 UTC
Topic: Live Marketplace

Ubisoft today announced the Fan Pack for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2, a downloadable content update for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 editions of its tactical shooter.
Slated for free download next month, the Fan Pack offers a total of three new multiplayer maps, which includes the fan favorite Calypso Casino map from the first Rainbow Six Vegas title. Two relit versions of existing maps Murdertown and CQB Training are also planned for the pack.

The video should explain it all but just in case here is the Packs full run down:

  • New Ranks
    An additional 99 Elite Ranks have been added for bragging rights. For those of you who are already Elite, you may have noticed that your XP continued to accumulate while playing. Once you have the update, your XP will automatically be applied towards the new Elite ranks, so it is possible that you have already ranked up multiple times past Elite.

  • New A.C.E.S.
    A total of 100 A.C.E.S. are available for each category: Marksman, CQB and Assault. Each A.C.E.S. level past 20 will reward you with 5000 XP that applies to your rank. For players who have already reached A.C.E.S. 20 and continued to collect A.C.E.S. points, you will be happy to know that the update will automatically advance you to the level you have earned. For example, if you have enough A.C.E.S. points to reach Marksman 25, you will automatically be at Marksman 25 and earn 25000 (5000 x 5) towards your next Rank.

  • Grenade Indicator
    When you are within the damage radius of a Frag or Incendiary grenade, an indicator will appear on-screen telling you which direction it is. The indicator can show multiple grenades at once.

    This list is huge so be sure to select read more for the full list and all the awsome add ons this DLC contains.

  • Weapons & Gadgets Balancing
    Here are a couple of notes about Weapons and Gadgets:
    • Explosion delay of the incendiary grenade has been increased
    • Detonation speed of the C4 has been slightly increased
    • Increased the damage of Sniper Rifles at long range
    • Increased the base accuracy of the Light Machine Guns
    • Adjusted the rate of fire for some of the Assault Rifles, Shotguns and an SMG
    • Sped up the time it takes to zoom in & out with weapons, making it more responsive

    To better clarify: the zoom for all firearms have been significantly sped-up and you can now fire DURING the zoom transition.

    This list is huge so be sure to select read more for the full list and all the awsome add ons this DLC contains.
  • Respawns in Team Deathmatch – Host Option
    An added host option has been added for Random Respawns. Random Respawns OFF will play like the classic Versus style where each team spawns in their designated Alpha or Bravo base. Random Respawns ON will have your players spawn randomly throughout the map after they die the first time.

  • Voice Chat – Host Option
    Added as a host option for Player Match & System Link, players now have the option to talk to their team mates while dead.

  • Score in Deathmatch
    Displayed on the bottom left of the HUD in Deathmatch, players can now see their score along with the top opponent’s score.

  • Team Leader - Spawn Change
    Players now respawn next to the leader by default, unless players specifically choose to spawn back at the base.

  • Show Dead Players in Lobby
    Players who no longer have lives remaining will now have a skull icon displayed next to their name in the pause menu.

  • Terrorist Hunt Spawning
    Terrorists will no longer spawn right in front of you or behind you, or in a room you just cleared.

  • High Stakes Setting
    High Stakes is a host option for every Versus mode that really pushes tactical gameplay to the next level. Here’s a detailed description of High Stakes:

  • Limited HUD (High Stakes)
    The Radar is disabled. Enemies will not be visible on the Tactical Map (back button on 360/select button on PS3). Grenade indicator is disabled.

  • Health System (High Stakes)
    Health regen is disabled. If you are shot and close to death, you’ll enter a visual state of critical health (screen turns monochromatic).

  • Cover System (High Stakes)
    The cover system as been changed in High-Stakes mode to encourage players to peek instead of pop-n-shoot. The camera has been moved so your character cannot look past their cover unless they expose themselves around a corner.

  • Weapons & Gadgets (High Stakes)
    Aim Assistance has been completely disabled. Bullet spread has also been increased when not zoomed-in (you will notice your crosshair indicators are much wider when not in zoom). Realistically, a person holding a gun would have better aim when zoomed-in than when he’s walking around. This encourages players to really take aim instead of run-n-gun. Also remember that the zoom time has been sped-up and you can now fire WHILE you zoom in and out. Players now have less ammunition (1 for each gadget you choose and less clips for your guns) so you really need to play conservatively and rely on precision use of ammo.

  • Kill Camera & Friendly Fire (High Stakes)
    Kill Camera is always disabled and Friendly fire is always enabled.

    There are three maps included in the free DLC: Murdertown – Dark, CQB Training – Dark and best of all the much-requested fan favourite Calypso Casino! The three map layouts have not been changed. The re-lit “Dark maps” have a very eerie atmosphere, and may require players to use night vision to spot enemies. Calypso Casino returns with updated lighting and textures. The three maps are playable in all Versus modes and Terrorist Hunt.

    With all this content you cant go wrong and you must have it, the Fan Pack is slated for July 2008.

    360-Hq Game Database: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2

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