Rainbow Six Leaving Las Vegas

Date: Friday, February 08 @ 16:21:11 UTC
Topic: Gaming

Philippe Therien has said "We will never go back to Vegas - at least, not in the foreseeable future,"

"We really feel that the story of Vegas is done. We've explored as much of Vegas as we wanted. For now, we're pretty much covered with Vegas."

Therien also admitted that he's not sure whether the game will continue to focus on a single place.

"The concept of being around one location was really good for Vegas, it really works," he said. "Whether we'll do that again, I don't know right now."

The new Vegas - due out on PC, PS3 and 360 on 21st March - introduces things like sprinting, bullet penetration and a new reward system to the mix.

So where will the next Rainbow Six take place you ask, well who knows but i'm sure it will be good.

360-Hq Game Database: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for Xbox 360

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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