360 Game Save Community prepares to Fight Back against Microsoft!

Date: Thursday, June 14 @ 16:10:55 UTC
Topic: Homebrew

Before we begin telling the story of how the 360 game save community is fighting back against regulations imposed by MS, one thing must be made clear - NOT everyone wants to cheat online to boost their gamer score.

Many gamers just want to retain control over content which they have paid for. Microsoft simply does not like people sharing game saves, they decided to crawl through the database at 360gamesaves and extracted the unique console IDs from every save shared on 360gamesaves.

When they released their last dashboard update, they include a list of these console ID's in the "revoked console ID list". This list was integrated into the update which tells the Xbox 360 to treat every save made by the console on the list as a corrupt save file, rending the saves useless. HOWEVER, the community is planning to fight back and find out just how below.

SUMMARY OF PART 1: MS Sneakily creates their revoked console ID List

1. Microsoft doesn't like people sharing game saves

2. Microsoft went through the database at www.360gamesaves.com and extracted the unique console ID's from every game save there.

3. When the last dashboard update was released they included a list of those console ID's in the update.... it's called the "revoked console ID list"

4. The list embeded in the update tells the Xbox 360 to treat every game save made by a console on that list as a 'corrupt save file'.

5. This means that every save on www.360gamesaves.com is useless to anyone who updated thier xbox 360.

To see how the fight has been taken to Microsoft select read more.

SUMMARY OF PART 2: Fight back from the game saves community

1. A set of public keys have been found.

2. The keys allow game saves to be modified and re-signed with the proper digital signature allowing them to be read properly by any Xbox 360. (Similar to how Xbox 1 saves could be modified and re-signed)

3. The console ID's & device ID's contained in a save can now be changed to match your specific console.(That information can be found with the ResignInfo.exe tool)

4. The keys will remain 'private' and hidden away on the 360gamesaves.com server so Microsoft can't release another update to render them useless.

5. Now gamers can take almost any save from any console and upload it to the servers when they're back online.... this will modify the save and 're-sign' it with the proper digital signature to work on any Xbox 360 console.

News-Source: http://www.maxconsole.net

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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