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Current Version: v0.9.0.0
Written by seuffert
Category: Xbox 360
Page Views: 12,066

seuffert has released a brand new application which allows you to play system-link multi-player enabled Xbox 360 Games over the internet for FREE. System Link has only became useful since the Dash Launch Hombrew Dashboard plug-in removed the 30ms default ping limit.

* high speed & low latency proxy of XBox360 System Link ethernet packets
* automatic NAT port forwarding via UPnP
* overview of discovered Nodes and Xboxes
* self organizing P2P structured network
* unlimited number of client nodes

Since XBSlink V0.8.2.0 a new Cloud feature has been implemented.

What is the Cloud feature?
Many XBSlink users asked for a simpler way of finding and connection to other users. The Cloud feature helps with this. After loading a cloud list from a cloud list server it is as simple as pushing a button to connect to a cloud of other XBSlink users or to create a new cloud and wait for others to join you.

In contrast to the P2P protocol used by XBSlink, the cloud list is managed by a central server. The server script itself is pretty simple and a PHP+sqlite3 version is publicly available (see Downloads). Feel free to run your own XBSlink cloud list site!

Since the XBSlink protocol had to change, v0.8.2.0 is not compatible with earlier versions of XBSlink, sorry.

What's new/fixed (since v0.9.0):
* XBSlink now runs on Mac OS X (run as root, “sudo mono XBSlink.exe”)
* fixed deadlock on updated check during startup
* fixed app not shutting down properly when no ethernet devices are found
* fixed chat pane not scrolling to bottom when switching back from other pane after new message arrived
* added message when a new device is added for remote a XBSlink node
* always forward data packets from previously discovered local devices
* added new node_list to main view
* added background colors in Info pane: red background = no devices are known for node, green background = data packets have arrived
* fixed packet statistic in status bar
* fixed error message on startup when “forward only special MACs” is enabled
* updated SharpPcap to 3.5.0 (new API!)
* updated PacketDotNet to 0.8.0
* fixed issue #2 : “only forward these devices” option broken when MAC list is empty
* added “only forward special MACs” option. This is basically a security feature making sure no unwanted packets are transmitted by XBSlink that could expose other devices on your network. (v0.8.6.2)
* added error message for linux users if no capture device is found (v0.8.6.2)
* fixed STUN server option was always used on startup (v0.8.6.2)
* fixed annoying bug in STUN code (v0.8.6.0)
* stability improvements (yeah, damn null pointers…*lol*) (v0.8.6.0)
* option to start WinPCap from XBSlink if NPF driver not started (v0.8.6.0)
* standard Nickname is now auto-generated (eg. Anonymous7259) (v0.8.6.0)
* switched to VS2010 (v0.8.6.0)
* switched to .NET 3.5 (v0.8.6.0)

What's new/fixed (since v0.8.2.4):
* improved console detection, the “advanced forwarding” option might not be needed anymore. (v0.8.4.0)
* application crashes are now handled by XBSlink and a detailed crash info report is displayed. (please send feedback) (v0.8.4.0)
* Start/Stop/Restart engine is working properly now (v0.8.4.0)
* platform specific changes for the Linux version. (v0.8.4.0)
* optional integrated update notifier on new XBSlink version (v0.8.3.3)
* user joined/left messages in Chat (v0.8.3.3)
* it is now possible to stop the XBSlink engine and restart it. (v0.8.3.3)
* added a warning message if WinPCap is not active. (v0.8.3.3)
* various small changes, mainly notifications for the user (v0.8.3.3)
* “Cloud helper” – other XBSlink nodes in a cloud will assist with adding unreachable “port closed” nodes. (v0.8.3.0)
* new option to use the cloud server to check the incoming port (v0.8.3.0)
* bugfix: high port number not possible (v0.8.3.0)
* cloud list now ordered case insensitive (v0.8.3.0)

Whats New/Fixed v0.8.2.4:
* added detection of private subnet IPs (in new simple Cloud-list server v1.1) (v0.8.2.4)
* new detection of external public IP when UPnP & STUN is not used. (v0.8.2.4)
* passwords were transmitted in plain text. switched to MD5 hash. (v0.8.2.4)
* exception handling on failed UPnP port mapping (v0.8.2.4)
* (low) sound notification on leaving XBSlink node (v0.8.2.4)
* small fix in cloud-list updater (v0.8.2.1)
* implemented the new Cloud feature (v0.8.2.0)
* high priority packet delivery for DATA packets (v0.8.2.0)
* dead node removal (ping check) (v0.8.2.0)
* XBSlink protocol changed to support XBSlink clouds (dropped Masterbrowser, enhanced P2P connection setup) (v0.8.2.0)
* copy info messages to clipboard (v0.8.2.0)
* UPnP timeout on start-up fixed (v0.8.2.0)
* UPnP port mapping error fixed (v0.8.2.0)
* tray icon size fixed (v0.8.2.0)
* sound notifications (new chat message & node joins) (v0.8.2.0)
* many small changes… (v0.8.2.0)

Whats New/Fixed v0.6.5.1:
* added “advanced forwarding of broadcast”. this should help with many games and could even support platforms other then the Xbox360 :)
* this option can be switched on and off while the engine is started
* some changes “under the hood” (cleaned up some multi-threading code)

This free software program by Oliver Seuffert may be freely distributed, provided that no charge above the cost of distribution is levied, and that this disclaimer is always attached to it.

The program is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty. Although the author has attempted to find and correct any bugs in the free software programs, the author is not responsible for any damage or losses of any kind caused by the use or misuse of the programs. In general terms that means you use them at your own risk, and we accept NO RESPONSIBILITY WHATSOEVER for anything that may occur as a result of your use of, or inability to use, any item provided by this program. The author is under no obligation to provide support, service, corrections, or upgrades to the free software programs.

If you wish to distribute any item or to include any part of any item in a commercial project, please ask for permission first. For more information, please send and email to xbslink-AT-secudb-de

If you do not agree to these terms, please do not download and use this program.

* Windows XP/Vista/7
* .Net 2.0
* WinPCap Packet Capture Library
(Comes bundled with the installer! see http://www.winpcap.org)

Related URL: http://www.secudb.de

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Setup XBSlink (System Link) for Xbox 360seuffert
FREE Multiplayer System Link Games on the Internet (JTAG)forahobby
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 Most Recent Downloads for XBSlink (5)
   Download TitlePublished by
XBSlink v0. (Windows) - Xbox360 System Link Proxyforahobby
XBSlink v0.8.4.0 - Xbox 360 System Link Proxy (LINUX)forahobby
XBSlink v0.8.4.0 - Xbox 360 System Link Proxyforahobby
XBSlink v0.8.2.4 - Xbox360 System Link Proxyforahobby
XBSlink v0.6.5.1 - Xbox360 System Link Proxyforahobby
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 Most Recent News Articles for XBSlink (3)
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XBSlink v0.9.0.0 9 System-Link Games for Xbox360, PS2...
XBSlink v0.8.2.4 - Xbox360 System Link Proxy
XBSlink v0.6.5.1 XBox360 System Link Proxy
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