Transcode 360 v1.0 Beta 3.1

Date: Saturday, April 22 @ 11:42:48 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

>> We already reported about the W.I.P. of Transcode360 Beta 3.1 earlier this week. Runtime has now released this new build:
As discussed in my previous post, you can now download the interim Transcode 360(info) Beta 3.1 release.

It contains quite a few fixes and to sweeten the update I've thrown in DVD ISO streaming (experimental). Your ISO images should ideally be DeCSS'd, and contain just the main title with the appropriate audio track.

Tip: If you really want to maximise your performance, you can get a pre-compiled build of mencoder optimised for your processor over here. The one we redistribute with T360 is generic for logistical reasons. However, if you do raise a support issue please make sure that you let us know that you're using a non-standard build.

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