Super Time Force delayed, coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One in 2014

Date: Friday, December 06 @ 00:53:32 UTC
Topic: Live Arcade

Capybara Games announced today that their insane time-traveling run’n gun platformer “Super Time Force” has been delayed and will be coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One in 2014.

"To accommodate development of the Xbox One version, and to make sure we bring you the best game possible, we’re moving the release date," the developer announced. "While we had originally intended to release this year, the opportunity to do Super Time Force on Xbox One, plus the sheer insanity of releasing during new console launches meant that moving a few months into 2014 was the best plan for our game."

"We take our time and we aim for the stars, but that often results in the intervals between our games being longer than we (or our beloved fans) may anticipate," they added. "We appreciate the love & support, and see you in 2014!"

Developed by Capybara Games, Super Time Force is an insane action game filled with robots and dinosaurs and fun and time travel! Each member of the Super TIME Force has their own special ability that makes them uniquely useful in battle. The Time Out feature lets you stop time and rewind back through what you just did! Then you can jump back into the action with a new character and play alongside your past self in the past, which is now the present… Whoa. You can use Time Out to partner up with yourself in the good ol’ days of a few seconds ago, creating a veritable army of You(s).

Super Time Force Screenshot - Xbox 360 / Xbox One Super Time Force Screenshot - Xbox 360 / Xbox One

For more information on “Super Time Force”, please browse through all of our Xbox 360 and Xbox One coverage via our games databases.

Xbox 360 Games: Super Time Force for Xbox 360
Xbox One Games: Super Time Force for Xbox One

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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