March's LIVE UPDATE 'killing' Xbox360's?

Date: Thursday, March 09 @ 18:16:58 UTC
Topic: Xbox 360

At this point I couldn't say for any certainty that the March Update is having any real adverse affects on anyones consoles. However, some people on the forums are having alot of grief after updating to the March Patch.

I've personally updated.. many of my units, and all my friends have too. (with no adverse affects) However, that's not to say that the update isn't bugged in some fashion. (Each update has caused people an equal amount of grief so far..)

Those who don't frequent LIVE often, might want to put off updating if they don't need a LIVE feature, at least until Microsoft/Xbox people confirm or deny the issue exists. Personally, the update worked for me and everyone I play with on LIVE.

Hopefully, if there is a real issue, it gets addressed sooner as opposed to later.


This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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