Xbox LIVE System Update Rolls Out (May 2011)

Date: Friday, May 20 @ 23:21:23 UTC
Topic: Xbox Live

Microsoft has started rolling out the new dashboard upgrade (2.0.13146.0). The update will be distributed in six separate waves between May 19 and May 30 "to ensure a high quality deployment.

Paypal Xbox LIVEAside from offering support for the new Microsoft disc format -- which will "be used in future game titles releasing later in 2011" -- the spring system update will enable PayPal support on the console, extending the payment option "to new international markets." PayPal will be "the only user facing feature" of the update.

This particular update will also bring an auto-standby feature that places your console on standby if it’s idle for more than one hour, helping to reduce power consumption. This feature will be available under Auto-Off in Console Settings after you download the update

Please note that it may take a few days to make its way around the globe.

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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