Video of Unreal Engine 3 GDC Demo it's on YouTube

Date: Sunday, March 06 @ 08:16:04 UTC
Topic: Gaming

These days it's nearly impossible to have a "behind closed doors" meeting, and thanks to a new video posted to YouTube today the GDC 2011 presentation of Epic's next Unreal Engine 3 tech-demo can now be seen by everyone, at least until it gets pulled.

The demo shows-off what looks to be a CG video of an amazing rain scene with a character smoking a cigarette - what is really epic is the fact that the whole video is in fact not computer generated (or CG) video and is happening in real-time.

We can't wait to see what else the Unreal Engine 3 can produce it it's next iteration, especially with the power of next-gen consoles like the Xbox 360 behind it (think Gears of War 4 and 5), stay tuned.

See it on Youtube:

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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