Broken Guitar Hero?? Guitar Hero Repairs :)

Date: Tuesday, September 29 @ 05:08:03 UTC
Topic: Hardware

Is your guitar hero strum bar broken?? Maybe your drums just aren't playing like they used to?!?! If you are suffering either of these symptoms we suggest you take 5 minutes to visit

"Guitar Hero Repair" can provide replacement parts for all your favorite guitar hero equipment including strum bar switches, drum pads, cymbal cabling and everything else guitar hero. So be sure to visit their online store if you are in the need for some quick parts to repair your broken gear. :)

Here is a list of repair kits which are currently available via the website.

Strummer Repair Kit
Official Site:

More and more people are reporting that their Guitar Hero World Tour (GH4) guitars are starting to miss strumming inputs (mainly downwards) causing them to miss notes which seriously affects their enjoyment of the game. This kit will fix that problem or improve responsiveness of a sluggish strummer.

Drum Sensors Repair Kit
Official Site:

Each of the drum pads and cymbals contains a sensor to register the vibration made by the drummers hit, our sensors have been extensivley tested and are compatible as replacements for any of the drum pads in the Guitar Hero World Tour Drum Kit. The repair kits come with 1 replacement sensor & fixing pads, full detailed fitting instructions and troubleshooting advice, within half an hour you'll be wailing on the skins again like there's no tomorrow!

Upgraded Cymbal Cables Kit
Official Site:

One of the most common breakages on a Guitar Hero drum kit is the cymbal cable. You know the story, you unscrew one of the cymbals, pull it off and forget there is a delicate cable in the bottom of it and... too late!

Upgraded Cymbal cablesOur replacement cymbal cables are made of much thicker wire, feature a larger plug head which is much stronger, and they are also longer so you can safely take the cymbal off and get to the cable, before you have broken it, we have yet to break one of these!

The fit is universal, meaning you do not need to choose a left or right hand side cable, one size really does fit all, and is compatible with all Guitar Hero drum kits (Sony Playstation 2 & PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii)

Official Site:

This article comes from 360-HQ.COM:

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