Assassin’s Creed 2 teaser site Contains Easter Egg

Date: Wednesday, April 08 @ 11:32:36 UTC
Topic: Gaming

I gave this a try myself and while it wont tell you anything about the game it is a really cool looking set up, yes you can hop on youtube and see it in a video but it in no way is as cool as doing it on your own. reports: Go to the Assassin’s Creed 2 teaser site. Watch the video. Click on the big symbol at the end. Print off the PDF. Click on the red “Animus” symbol to the left of the screen next to the original symbol. Click on the top box on the left. Hold up the printed symbol in front of your webcam.

What happens is honestly pretty cool. Do it.

If you don't want to print anything just open a second window with the PDF pic in one window and point the cam at that.

If you have an Xbox vision cam it will work just fine for this.

360-Hq Game Database: Assassin's Creed 2


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